Is 200 Mbps Fast in 2025?

If you’re lucky enough to be hitting download speeds of 200 Mbps, that’s quick. While it’s not ‘superfast,’ it’s definitely above average for most of the world. You’ll be able to handle most processes quite comfortably at this speed. 

This includes comfortably streaming Netflix in 4K, multiple video calls in the same household, and quick download speeds.

What is a good internet speed

We’ve been testing and researching to find out exactly what you can do with 200 Mbps. 

We’ll also be looking at a few tips on boosting your internet at home and finding out the future of internet speeds.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

What is 200 Mbps Enough For?

The FCC (the Federal Communications Commission of the US) defines ‘fast internet’ as 25 Mbps, one-eighth of 200 Mbps. 

Based on that, you might think 200 Mbps would handle pretty much everything.

However, realistically, this is a very outdated figure. Senators have recently asked for this to be upgraded [1]. 

So what can you do with 200 Mbps?

Well, this doesn’t always correspond to direct download speed. That’s because the source of the download has an impact. If it did, though, you’d be looking at being able to download:

  • An average length, high-quality mp3 album in 0.3 seconds;
  • An average length 1080p movie in 30 seconds;
  • An average length 4k movie in 1hr 23 minutes.
Minimum internet speed Explained


Gaming requires between 3-10 Mbps in download speed and around 1.5-5 Mbps in upload speed. [2]

This means that with 200 Mbps, you can play between 67 and 20 games at the same time. 

Not bad! 

The problem will be that with a 200 Mbps download speed, you will likely get between 20-100 Mbps in upload speed.

This means that you could be limited to only 4 games simultaneously in the worst-case scenario. 

Another aspect of gaming is the downloading and updating of the games. 

A particular insane example of this is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for PC, which comes in at an enormous 231 GB.

Downloading it with 200 Mbps would take 2 hours, 45 minutes, and 21 seconds. 

Not bad, but also not great.


The data usage depends mostly on the quality when it comes to streaming. 

A 4k stream, for example, uses between 25 and 50 Mbps [3]. This means that with 200 Mbps, you can have between 8 and 16 4k streams simultaneously. 


This is more than enough for a large family or even a smaller office. 

For something like Spotify, things get even crazier. One Spotify stream needs approximately 0.64 Mbps. 

So, if we do the math, 200 Mbps will be enough for more than 300 songs AT THE SAME TIME!

Video calls & communication

If you have a two-way call on Zoom, you will need a download speed of about 3 Mbps and an upload speed of 3.8 Mbps. [4]

Theoretically, this should make 200 Mbps enough for 60 Zoom calls simultaneously. 

But just as for gaming, the problem is that if you have a 200 Mbps internet plan, you will likely be getting anything from 20 to 100 Mbps in upload speed. 

This means that you will most likely only be able to have between 5 and 25 calls in reality. 

That said, it should still be more than enough for most homes. But most likely not enough for an office. 

Further downloading & uploading

Internet speed, the time it takea to download a 10 GB file

Much of the things we use nowadays are on the cloud and in browsers. But still, we need to download some things. 

For example, downloading Microsoft Office 365 at 1.85GB with 200 Mbps will only take 1 minute 19 seconds

Pretty good!

An upload of 200 Mbps is also nothing to scoff at.

If you would want to upload a photo album of 1000 normal iPhone pictures (5 Mbps each) to the cloud, it would approximately take 3 minutes and 34 seconds.

200 Mbps compared to some other speeds

To give you a little more perspective on how fast 200 Mbps is, we’ll be comparing it to some other common download speeds.

Internet Speeds

50 Mbps Internet – Slow but enough for some

This is good enough for two fairly light users. It’d be tricky to stream Netflix on more than two devices at this speed.

Somebody downloading a large file would compromise everybody else’s internet usage quite heavily.

Learn more at; is 50 Mbps fast?

100 Mbps Internet – Decent & enough for many

At this speed, you’d be able to stream in 4K with relative ease. However, if you have more than 4 users trying to do this would be likely to struggle. 

This is, in our opinion, the lowest speed family should have.

To give further context on this, 100 Mbps is about the average download speed for the US.

Learn more at; is 100 Mbps fast?

500 Mbps Internet – Very fast & enough for advanced users

Multiple devices can stream in 4K at this speed. Most small to medium-sized offices would be content at this speed. 

Several users will also be able to achieve fast download speeds at this point. 500 Mbps will be more than enough for most reading this. 

Learn more at; is 500 Mbps fast?

1000 Mbps Internet – Extremely fast & enough for basically anyone

With an advanced Wi-Fi extension system, 1000 Mbps will be able to provide many users with lightning-fast downloads and streaming. 

A large office using the internet quite heavily should see few issues. This is the speed to aim for if you run a large business.

Learn more at; is 1000 Mbps fast?

Internet Providers ~200 Mbps Plans

ProviderPlan Price*Learn More
CoxInternet Preferred (250 Mbps)$59.99/moCheck availability
XfinityPerformance Pro (300 Mbps)$30-50/mo.Check availability
AT&TInternet 300$55/mo.Check availability
Verizon300/300$49.99/mo.Check availability
*Data last updated as of post date. These offers can vary based on location and time. 

How Can You Get Faster Internet Speed?

A 200 Mbps download speed is a good target to aim for if your local infrastructure can support it. 

However, it’s impossible to get a faster internet speed than what your current plan offers. So if it’s lower, you might want to upgrade your plan or change provider.

If you live in an area where it’s possible (and have the right internet plan), why not run a speed test and see how your internet matches up? 

It falls far short, try some of the following troubleshooting steps:

Upgrading your internet plan 

there’s not much point going forward with the rest of the steps until you determine what speeds you’re paying for. 

Because you’re never going to achieve higher speeds than your current internet plan. So, check and see what you get and compare it to what you are paying for. 

If it’s less, you can try the other steps. If it’s the same, your only solution is to upgrade your internet plan. 

Disconnect other devices

Every device that’s connected to the network will drag it slightly. That’s even the case if nothing is actively downloading. 

To get a pure representation of your download speed, test it on the only connected device.

Clear the cache

You may find that something as simple as deleting your cache, cookies, and browsing history speed things up again.

This doesn’t really “increase” your internet speed but might make your browser faster. 

Move your router or use Ethernet

If you’re too far away from the source, speeds will be affected. Plug your device in using an Ethernet cable to get the ultimate speed.

Alternatively, move it closer to you or consider getting a new router

Turn the router off and on

Sometimes, a plain old reset is all it takes. You might find that this brings your speed back up to scratch.

For this, you can either just pull out the power cable or press the off button on the back of the router.

What happens if my internet speed isn’t up to scratch?

On the flip side of all the awesome benefits of fast internet listed above, slow internet has some annoying downsides. 

Connection problems and slow download speeds can cause all sorts of issues. Here are a few of those to consider:

  • Potential lost work: some collaborative software work tools such as Google Docs rely on good internet. That’s because they effectively stream the work you do with them. If your internet is poor, your work may not upload and be lost forever.
  • Limited communication: we all know how annoying it is for a video call to drop or glitch out. Poor download speeds make it difficult to maintain a high-quality call. You could experience the audio and video cutting out or distorting. Even worse, the call could drop altogether.
  • Other lifestyle issues: video and music streaming, instant messaging, general browsing. All of these areas will be negatively affected if your download speed isn’t up to scratch.

What kind of download speeds would cause these issues? It varies, and there are other factors at play. Generally, anything less than 25 Mbps is too slow, contrary to the FCC’s opinion. 

200 Mbps FAQ 

Here are a few of the most popular questions surrounding 200 Mbps and their answers.

What is “good” internet speed?

It really depends on what you’re looking for. To some people who just like to browse the web, 25 Mbps is “good.” 

However, if you want multiple devices to download, stream, and video call, you’ll probably want 100 Mbps at least.

200 Mbps would be “good” on average. It’s more than enough for the average user. However, it’s not exactly “very good”. You’d need 500 Mbps for that kind of classification!

How to check your internet speed

There are plenty of different speed tests you can do online [5]. They’ll send a “ping” and measure how long it takes for them to receive it back.

This will allow them to provide you with a fairly accurate internet download speed.

Check one out online if you’re interested to see how fast your internet at home or work is!

Final thoughts on fast internet

Internet speeds are increasing year in, year out. While 200 Mbps is pretty quick to most now, it could be outdated soon. 

Internet speeds in the US are 20 times faster than they were a decade ago [6]! Hopefully, they’ll be 20 times faster again by 2032…

With all this in mind, why not read up on the type of Wi-Fi you’d need to handle the next generation of download speeds? Wi-Fi 6 could be just what you’ll need.

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